Ceremonies with Spirit

ceremoniesWe offer a wide variety of Ceremonies with spirit to with the greater world around them, and most importantly their connection to their spiritual life. Here at YourSpiritualGrowthCenter.com we believe that by respecting the body, mind, and spirit; one can be led to a life full of personal significance and spiritual growth.


Please contact Dr. Nikki by Email or by phone 1-800-496-3114  for more information on these services.

Naming Ceremonies
“A rose by any other name is still a rose.” Is an oft-repeated quote from Mr. Shakespeare. Many choose to mark the naming of a child or even the taking of a spiritual name or change of name in an adult with due pomp and ceremony. Names are very important in many ways. Names connote much. In the spiritual world, names can carry much about the individual who has chosen the name as their spirit name. Ceremoniously naming a child before friends and family is a time-honored tradition in many families and cultures. Whether you choose to have the naming ceremony when the child is just moments or days old, or you are looking to create a ceremony to help you assume a new spiritual and/or earthly name, we are here to help!
Birth Ceremonies

We use this term generically to refer to the myriad ceremonies around the birth of a new child and those spiritual ceremonies which relate to the new child. Whether you want an affirmation of birth ceremony or a traditional baptismal or entrance ceremony into your spiritual belief system we can help. We are happy to use our Interfaith Minister’s Manual which outlines pre-existing ceremonies from many of the major belief systems or if you choose, we can help you personalize the ceremony to ensure it meets you and your child’s spiritual needs.

(NOTE: Due to the importance many put on these types of ceremonies, we require meeting with both parents if they are reasonably available prior to performing the ceremony.)

Funeral/Departure Ceremonies

Within the evolving spiritual nature of our modern world, the traditional funeral ceremony of our parents or grandparents may not fit either whom the deceased was as a person, or the family and friends left behind. Here at Black Rose Spiritual Center, we can help you in this difficult and painful time. We focus on performing ceremonies that recognize and celebrate the life of the loved one who has crossed over. While the particular belief system of the departed is important and must be recognized at their life departure ceremony, those left behind must receive solace and compassion during a ceremony that recognizes their loss. We hope you will consider allowing us to help you through this difficult period.

Life Progression/Affirmation Ceremonies

Our lives go through many stages. All of us share two basic experiences – our birth and our death. However, between the two are a myriad of landmark events or actions that call to be memorialized or solemnized with the ceremony. When we solemnize major events in our lives we recognize the assistance of the Divine in all we do. Here at Black Rose Spiritual Center if you don’t already have a ceremony style or format in mind, we’ll be happy to help you develop a ceremony that connotes your individual spiritual nature.

Wedding Ceremonies
Our most popular of ceremonial services as the officiant for your wedding we feel it is our job to help you craft a ceremony that has meaning and value for both of you. While we are happy to help you write a ceremony personalized toward your relationship, should you prefer we have several stock ceremonies that allow you to enjoy the experience of a traditional ceremony for your wedding.

Please contact Dr. Nikki by Email or by phone 1-800-496-3114  for more information on these services.

Fees for Ceremonies

Our standard fees for ceremonies are as follows:
Birthing Ceremonies $ 75.00
Naming Ceremonies $ 75.00
Life Progression/Affirmation $ 75.00
Funeral/Crossing ceremonies $ 50.00
Weddings $150.00

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