by Dr, Nikki | Succor Saturdays
This weekend is a special weekend for America. We mark the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks upon our nation. First, the World Trade Center in New York City. That terrible day, 10 years ago, for many of us has the same level of impact as the moon...
by Dr, Nikki | Fixing It Fridays
I was fortunate enough to work in the legal industry for over ten years in Alaska, and I learned a lot. I not only learned about pleadings, causes of action, writs, and summary judgments, I also learned that maybe everything isn’t a reason to sue. We hear it...
by Dr, Nikki | Tarot Thursdays
Happy Thursday! Today we start our indepth look at the tarot deck. We’ll start with The Fool and go through the entire major arcana and then we’ll look at the minor arcana suits. Today The Fool receives our focus: The Fool is the first of the Major...
by Dr, Nikki | Time for Togetherness Tuesdays
With the Labor Day holiday behind us, we start looking forward to the arriving Fall and the change in activities that brings for many of us. Students young or old return to school, organizations and businesses that have scaled back for the summer months are now...