Spiritual focus Sunday – Lest We Forget.

  This weekend is a special weekend for America.  We mark the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks upon our nation.  First, the World Trade Center in New York City.  That terrible day, 10 years ago, for many of us has the same level of impact as the moon...

Tarot Thursdays

Happy Thursday! Today we start our indepth look at the tarot deck.  We’ll start with The Fool and go through the entire major arcana and then we’ll look at the minor arcana suits.  Today The Fool receives our focus: The Fool is the first of the Major...

Sleeping In Coffins For Luck?

No, I’m not kidding.  When I did my search this morning for the article I found this: It’s an interesting article about how some people in Malaysia are sleeping in a sacred coffin in a temple to ward off bad luck and, as reported in the article, cure bad...