harbor-harbor-seals-seal-seals-coast-water-seaSeals were thought to be shape-shifters in many cultures. Tales abound of seals coming to the shore and removing their outer skin and glossy dense fur. As women they walk upon the earth. They may return to the sea by simply putting back on the skin and fur and many were reported to do so. It was believed that if the skin and fur were found by a man and kept hidden the selchie could not return to the sea and she would marry the man who found her. There are many twists and turns to this tale as it is told throughout different cultures. It is believed that the stories of mermen and merwomen were based on the Seal.

Seal is an excellent swimmer. With her sleek design, strong flippers and amazing ability to hold her breath for extended periods of time, she zooms through the depths hunting and playing in the watery realm. When it is time to give birth she climbs back upon the land – whether a rocky outcrop, or a beach – and gives birth to her young. Whether harbor seal or elephant seal, leaving the water and returning to land to give birth is part of the order of pinnipedia to which seals belong. As young, seals are nearly helpless. Without their mother’s care they are lost to the elements and predators. The Seal also seeks connection with the drier earth by coming ashore for rest and basking in the sun.

fur-seal-seals-kekeno-arctocephalus-forsteriOne of Seals most remarkable adaptations are its ears. Although just small openings, nothing to get in the way of their swimming in the watery realm, seals are known for a good sense of hearing. The emphasis on the ears also speaks about balance in your life. When you carry Seal Totem you carry the power to create your own balance just by being aware of where you are and what you are doing. Seal doesn’t worry about the water when basking in the sun. Seal knows the water will be there when she returns. Learn the Balance that comes with being in the moment from your Seal Totem.

seal-crawl-north-sea-robbe-water-creatureSeal Totem tells you it is okay to be strong in yourself. Make your choices based on your inner feelings and knowing, not the words of others. However, do not miss the opportunity of garnering important information by listening appropriately. Even the Greeks held myths of virginal nymphs who would turn into seals to escape from men who were pursuing them. The seagod Proteus has these nymphs turned seals as part of his entourage.

In Northern regions Seal is sacred. Clothing made of seal fur was normally given to women. Seal fur was used to swaddle the young because of its insulative and spiritually protective properties. Sacred medicine bags were made from Seal. For the northern tribes the seal was much like the buffalo to the Plains Indians. Seal provided oil for lamps, mean to eat, fur, sinew and bone. Nothing was wasted for to waste would be to dishonor Seal’s sacrifice in giving it’s life to provide sustenance to man.

harbor-harbor-seals-seal-seals-coast-water-sea-1With Seal granting you her Totem, she is calling to you to open your creativity to the light of the world. Seal’s energy, although feminine and receptive, is still dynamic and extremely powerful. Those that have lived near them, or made a study of them, realize that Seal is playful. Seal takes the most from each moment. Seal reminds us to live in the now while we set the foundation to create the future we hope to find. Seal also challenges you to look to yourself for your own answers. If you are lonely Seal shows you the joy in gathering in a group, as seals normally live in communities with group sizes ranging from a few to literally hundreds.

Due to the waterproofing qualities of it’s oil and it’s beautiful dense fur many species of the seal were hunted nearly to extinction. Now, news reports occasionally show the human interest story about the guy who has to wait for the seals to leave the pier before he can get to his boat. Seal is regenerative power personified. From the brink of extinction they have returned to beguile us with the selchie song once again.

seal-robbe-swimSeal calls to you to accept the feminine within you. She calls with her mournful calls that sound so close to human lamentation. As a creature at home in the depths of the sea she calls you to go within the depths of yourself to your inner center, to your inner pearl. Some cultures believed that the pearl held great wisdom and power. Certain animals were associated with this gem – fox and otter are two. Because of her association with the depths, and that in some of the species the pups are born covered in downy white fur, and the richness of the heavy creamy milk she provides her young, Seal also claims the pearl for her stone.

Long associated with magic, the Seal is a powerful totem to those who work with energy. Whether as a healer, preacher, minister, psychic or doctor, looking to Seal when needed healing energy will help get you through. As a creature that truly lives neither in the sea nor on the land the Seal is viewed as slipping between worlds. This association is repeated within the spiritual realm as well. Look to your totem held by Seal when you need the strength and clarity of mind and the moment to enter the Within to make proper choice.

Even sailors held the seal special. Men whose superstitions ranged through a wide variety of subjects to keep going to sea safe, considered it an ill omen to not help a seal who was in trouble. Great efforts would be expended to help a seal that was in difficulty. This ranged from everything from releasing seals from nets or hooks to trying to help heal a wounded seal. The sailors care of the seal was based on the belief that by helping the animal they would earn smooth sailing and clear skies for their voyage.

The Totem of the Seal is a strong totem of immense power and the capability of great gifts. By connecting with your feminine, by tapping in to the realm of the otherworld, by learning the lessons of Seal and turning to Seal for guidance, you can truly move between the outer and inner realms of the self, being able to tap into the inner force that is your true self and true knowing.