You Never Know the Difference You Can Make


If you haven’t heard the story or seen the footage, please check out this article about the brave folks who literally saved a young motorcyclists life by being willing to put themselves at risk to remove him from under a burning vehicle.


No big lecture this week…read the article…and ask yourself:  What would you do?  Would you instinctively stay back?  Would you run forward?  Each of us has our own answers and one is no better than another.   Those that hold back – many time that instinct isn’t just self-preservation.  It is also the instinct of the infirm and old to hang back…ready to jump in should no more able bodied arrive, but hanging back to allow those better suited physically access and space to do what they can.

Everyone isn’t going to be a national news hero.  Frankly, that doesn’t matter…as those who have had the honor of being able to save someone’s life will tell you — it’s not about adulation of the masses…it’s about saving that *one* life.

I’d like to think I’d be one of those who run forward to help, how about you?