Machu PIcchu

The ruins are as spectacular as the scenery at Machu Picchu.


Have you been to Machu-Picchu?

While we have never been there, Machu-Picchu seems to us a pretty special place. The link above will take you to a group of photographs taking by people who have been there to not only see it, but to experience the mystery and mystique of the area. Most of the pictures have a great caption or short description of the photo.

Machu-Picchu is one of those places that represent the mystery of the unknown. Like Angkor Wat Machu-Picchu invites us to wonder at not only how their great temple was built, but also we are left to wonder just exactly how it was used. There are many ideas as to why Machu-Picchu was built by the Inca so long ago. National Geographic does a great review of the top five theories as to what Machu-Picchu really was at their website:

As you look at the photos and read about Machu Picchu, think about what it must have been like to be one of the workers on that project! Scary doesn’t even come close! But they not only persevered, they excelled, building a city of stone out in one of the most beautiful places in the world. They scaled cliffs, crossed gorges, cut rock steps into places so steep it was the only way to get to the top. The views alone speak volumes for sacred geography.

Whether you believe it was a nunnery or the summer retreat of an Incan ruler that truly doesn’t matter. However, the achievement of such majesty that reaches out and touches the spirit is well worth looking at a few times.

What do you believe Machu-Picchu was built for? Does Machu-Picchu speak to you? If so, what does she say?