lavenderLife is stressful enough without us giving it any additional help. Sometimes without even realizing it, we are accentuating the stressors and not giving ourselves a chance to unwind and lower the stress levels at least some. Here are some things to consider when you feel that life getting out of control and you start feeling like you are “stressed out!”

Easy Ways to Create a De-Stressing Ambiance

➽ Let Some Fresh Air In – If you can, get outside and enjoy the fresh air. If you cannot get outside, open a window and let some of the fresh air in. Deep breathing exercises can help with relaxation!

➽ Aromatherapy – Scents are a very strong mood setter. To ease anxiety and help you unwind, geraniums and lavender are great to have fresh in the house. Try a small potted plant in a window where the breeze will let the scent fill the room. Another way to change the scent of a room is to put a few drops of a floral essential oil on a tissue.

➽ Soothing Sounds – Put on some relaxing music, getting one of the small desktop fountains are a nice way to bring the soothing sound of running water inside, listen to recordings of nature sounds such as birdsong, summer rain, ocean surf, or any of the variety of nature sounds that can be relaxing.

➽ Visualizations – Envision a place that is relaxing for you…a beach, a glade of a forest steam, your own room, whatever it is that relaxes you, take a quick break by just envisioning yourself there! Some people become so adept at this that just a few seconds of visualization can provide hours of relaxation.

There are also some quick and easy ways to cut down on the stress levels at home. Here are four simple ways to help make your home your own stress free zone.

➽ Maintain Your Space – There are very few people who like doing housework. However, most of us do appreciate the additional relaxing comfort of knowing that we have our personal environment under control. Get the whole family involved…even a 2 year old can pick up toys and put them in a toy box. You do not have to go for full out spick and span clean, de-cluttering and generally keeping things in order will do a lot to help keep stress under control.

➽ Get the Poisons Out – Try replacing chemical household cleaners with some of the green, safe for the environment, cleaners. It is not only better for the environment, but the lack of exposure to toxins helps many people feel better, relax more, and even sleep better.

➽ Serenity Time – We all have our own idea of serenity. For some have their home being Grand Central Station with children running to and fro and all sorts of hubbub – that is what keeps them grounded and feeling serene. Others need the opposite and find serenity in quiet meditation or just sitting in a quiet room. Whichever helps you feel serene, do you best to create that in your own living space.

➽ Down Time – Needing some peace and quiet for ourselves where no one is asking/demanding anything of us is important. Without it we tend to lose our balance. Taking some time for yourself every day can sometimes seem a challenge, but with practice you will find you can find that “down time” place within yourself easily.

Not all these stress reducer ideas will work for everyone, take the ones that work and use them and discard what does not work. Some people have no problem staying focused and grounded in a household that is constantly on the go go go; others need to shut out the world for an hour before they become human again. Some of these ideas are sure to hit a home run and help you gain more control and stress a whole lot less.

Check back soon for another stress-busting article.


Holding doctoral degrees in Divinity and Theology from the Esoteric Interfaith Theological Seminary, Dr. Nikki Judge is the executive director of Black Rose Spiritual Center.  A gifted spiritual reader she has helped nearly 175,000 people in her career. Along with a good book and a purring cat Dr. Nikki enjoys getting out in the sun and fresh air of western Montana.  You can visit her at