By Dr Nikki Judge

editedforsizeWith the knowledge that the “right” garden is the one that is right for you, now it is time to return to the gardener and their work at planting.  While many of us hobby gardeners indulge in Darwinian Gardening (getting the soil ready and then throwing the seeds in and letting nature figure it out) the gardener who is looking for a rich and bountiful garden knows that planting plants at the proper time and in the right place are paramount to success.  Plus planting requires a whole different set of tools than have been used up to now while we were in the planning and preparing stages of gardening.


The good gardener knows the proper time for planting the different types of plants in the garden.  Some are timed to grow in the cool of spring and maybe again in the fall (beets), some need the heat of the full summer sun to bring forth the vegetables to grace the summer table.  We also have to look at timing in our Spiritual Garden of the Soul. In our Spiritual Garden are we making sure that we capitalize on our precious moments?  Are we making sure that we are aware of the importance of time to others?  Are you utilizing the opportunities to be able to see the appropriate times for you to act?


Much energy and forethought are given to the location the gardener selects for each type of plant in the garden.  Peas are placed where they receive the early morning light (brain storming and new thought processes), corn takes center stage to get all the sun possible and the same with tomatoes (emotions and passions).  Onions do better in well drained soil on the high side of the garden while the leafy greens are always placed where they will receive the best water and full sun (romance and love).  We also need to choose the proper location for the components of our Spiritual Garden of the Soul.  The ability to be able to choose the proper location for the components of the garden gives us the ability to decide whom and how close we allow others in our lives.

(c) David Lally

(c) David Lally

Using the Right Tools

The right tool for the right job can make all the difference in the world.  While a shovel is a great tool for moving dirt, it’s not nearly as good as a pitchfork when it comes to pitching hay.  From a planting dibble to the farm tractor, having the right tool for the job is an important part of the gardener’s success.  We too need the right tools in our Spiritual Garden of the Soul.  We need to make sure that we are equipped with the proper tools to be able to create a bountiful harvest for ourselves in our Inner Gardens.

 Whatever those tools may be:  friends, education, intuition, foreshadowing, a place for personal introspection and reflection, processes to deal with difficult situations or actions, these are all tools for our garden.  What tools do you need to make YOUR Spiritual Garden of the Soul the perfect place for you?  You can build tools like a support system (friends or family to help you when you’re down), coping mechanisms (ways to deal with the things that are difficult for you to deal with) and more.

Just as the gardener uses the right tools for each of the jobs in the garden to create a place of beauty and bounty you can build a great toolbox of tools to help you create a life that is filled with joy, happiness and laughter!

Next week we’ll begin the part that most of us need the most help with – nurturing YOUR Spiritual Garden of the Soul.