Any Garden Takes Planning 

(c) Si Griffiths

(c) Si Griffiths

A garden does take planning – more than we sometimes give credence to. A good gardener knows where to plant each vegetable strain they are planting. Many draw out their gardens over the winter measuring to scale where they are going to put what. Seed packets, books and internet articles are searched to find the best information on how to get the most out of your garden. It helps to know what you are planting when you have to do this type of planning.

Looking At the Condition of Your Soil – Reviewing Past Successes and Failures 

In the physical world this is where a lot of hobbyist gardeners try to remember what did well last year. Did the broccoli go to flower before it got big enough to harvest? What was it that got to the beans last year? Whatever it was it must have eaten well! Did the deer fence work? Would it have worked better if it had been put up earlier? Do the perennials look like they are going to make it? Maybe it would be a better idea to move the corn to the other end of the garden this year? These are just a very small example of the questions a gardener can face in their planning phase.

In our virtual garden of the soul we have to do the same. This is a very difficult task for some while for others is it a simple exercise. What do you have to look at when you are reviewing for the garden of your soul? For each person it will be different, but essentially your quest is the same as the gardener. You have to look at your past which is sometimes an uncomfortable thing to do.

The process one needs to undergo, however one chooses to do so, is to do what is sometimes referred to as “playing onion.” This is where you take the time to peel back the layers of your personality and self, layer by layer, and being brutally honest with yourself about what has been working for you and what hasn’t. Remember, lying to yourself here is the ultimate in self-destruction and sure to kill your dreams before you start them.

(c) Stan Shebs

(c) Stan Shebs

However, completely redesigning isn’t necessary, but reviewing your past to look at your successes and your failures allows you the opportunity to prevent making the same kinds of mistakes in the future. The serious gardener tests the soil every year to make sure that the appropriate nutrients are available in the soil. In the inner garden of your soul you want to make sure that the past is reviewed so that you know how to prevent yourself from making the same mistakes again – thus allowing a “fertile” soil for you to plant your dreams in.

Plot Your Garden Space: 

When you are growing your own food square footage is extremely important. You want to maximize the space that you have to get the best results possible. There are strings aplenty all over the northern hemisphere, busy helping gardeners plot out flower and vegetable gardens. By allowing the right amount of space for each plant the gardener’s yield is maximized.

 In our virtual garden it is important to clear away that which does not work so that we can focus on what does work. By being honest with yourself about the condition you are in, you can then dig in with confidence and till the soil in your garden of the soul. By releasing fears and doubts we can enrich the soil of our Inner Garden and create a better garden plot. As we forgive ourselves we create room in our garden plot for our next phase: Goals, Dreams, and Needs!

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